Meet Our New Blog Editor at Arizona Smile Designers

I know it probably doesn’t make sense but I, the oldest person in the office, have been selected to “write” a blog, or is it “edit” a blog? Heck, I don’t even know what to call what I’m trying to do. I really don’t know if they made the right decision on this matter but I’m going to give it a good try anyway.


Now, for those of you that I haven’t met yet, as I said, IDr. Earl Lord’m the old guy in the office. In fact, I just had the big 65th birthday in May and when people ask if I feel any older, I’m afraid I have to say, “Yes”. There seem to be new aches and pains every morning and it takes more time just to get out of bed.

However, I’m rapidly moving into the 21st century! I got a smart phone a couple months ago and since Sunday, have been texting like a true neophyte. I learned things like the letter “u” and “4”are much quicker to type than “you” and “for”. Sadly, I did find out that owning a “smart” phone does not necessarily make one smart. But, hey, I’m smarter than the phone because it doesn’t understand what I’m typing and tries to put in its own words instead of the ones I’m trying to type.

Speaking of typing, how in the heck do you type on such a tiny keyboard? I guess I should have asked for the “senior” edition of the smart phone that has bigger “buttons.” My wife says that’s why she has an iPad but, I have to say she looks kinda funny talking to people with her iPad up against her ear. I just hope she cleans the earwax off the thing. I thought the fingerprints were bad enough.

So, what does this all have to do with dentistry? Well, to be honest, nothing. I just wanted to see how this whole thing works.

Our goal is to present information about the office as well as reporting on current innovations and subjects that we feel are important to you and your dental health. Should you have suggestions on subjects you would like to have discussed, please just give us a call or e-mail me at: [email protected]

Earl Lord, DDS, MAGD